What are the Pros and Cons of Living Abroad the US?

What are the Pros and Cons of Living Abroad the US?

The continuous advancement of technology seemed to have made the world smaller than how it used to be several years ago. This has now become common to move and live abroad, especially among the younger generations. 

Unfortunately, living overseas, particularly in the United States, is not always a path of roses. So, what are the pros and cons of living abroad in the US?

Pros of Living Abroad

1. Exciting Opportunities 

The US is not called a land of opportunity for no reason. It offers ex-pats more of these opportunities than other countries around the world. Employment can be found easily in almost all fields with a higher paycheck than what is available anywhere else. 

The US is also considered a great place to start a business with a very diverse and wide market. Almost all kinds of businesses can flourish here. 

2. Great People 

Aside from several places, racial discrimination almost doesn’t exist in the US. You won’t be treated differently whatever preferences or skin color you might have. It cannot be said for other countries. While there will always be some rude people here and there, one thing you will notice when you live in the US is that the people are actually refreshing. 

3. Interesting Culture 

Although the culture in the US is not an ancient one, there is no denying that it is the most glamorous you can find. From the west coast’s Los Angeles to the east coast’s New York City, America is a true cocktail of cultures that will make everyone feel welcomed. 

Cons of Living Abroad

1. Culture Shock

Based on where you are coming from, the culture shock you will experience could be to a smaller or bigger degree. It is just normal when you are relocating and something you cannot avoid at all. Once you move to a new place, people will be different from what you have been used to. 

This could be something as ordinary as the American’s aversion to using flipflops. However, it could also be something that doesn’t sit well with you. This is why it is important that you research and check all facts before you live abroad so you won’t be caught off guard by the culture shock. 

2. Work Ethics 

There are ex-pats who have a hard time adjusting to the United States’ working atmosphere. Most people can deal with it. But, with all the available opportunities, it also means that plenty of people are vying for them. This means that almost all positions are replaceable. You might end up losing your job if you don’t show the correct work standards.

On the other hand, some people might see it as an advantage. Most employees are filled with ambitions and they hope someone will notice their outstanding effort. And there are those who are just totally used to more difficult working conditions. People who are used to bringing home their work or working odd shifts might prefer employment in the US. Provided that you work hard, you can get higher pay compared to what you could expect in your own country. 

You should always weigh these pros and cons of living abroad first before you make a final decision.