What is a Kickstarter Account?

What is a Kickstarter Account?


Kickstarter is a funding platform made for all creative projects. Everything from games, films, technology, design, and music to art, Kickstarter is actually full of imaginative, innovative, and ambitious ideas that are brought to life through the support of other people. Everything on this platform should be a project with clear goals like making a book, album or any kind of work of art. Projects will be completed and something would be produced by this. However, before you create your own Kickstarter account, you should read their rules first and you have to know some basics.

The Basics

  • Generally, a project is a work with a clear goal that you would like to bring to life. Think films, books or albums.
  • Funding goals are the amount of money that the creator has to complete their project.
  • In Kickstarter, funding all or nothing. Nobody will be charged for the pledge to any project unless it reaches the funding goal. Through this, the creators will have the budget they’ve scoped out before they move forward.
  • Creator is the team or person behind the project idea, working to bring this to life.
  • The backers are the ones who pledge money to join the creators to bring projects to life.
  • The rewards are the chance of the creators to share a project with their backer community. Usually, such are one-of-a-kind limited editions, experiences, and copies of a creative work that is being produced.

If you like to know more how Kickstarter works, try browsing and looking at several projects on the site.

How to Create Your Kickstarter Account?

A kickstarter account will help you with your campaign. However, make sure to set it up properly to avoid some problems in the long run.

To create a Kickstarter account, here are some of the steps you should follow:

  1. Click the Start link.
  2. You may play the introductory video to know how a Kickstarter account works.
  3. After watching the introductory video, you may proceed to starting your project and verify if you meet the Kickstarter’s eligibility requirements, which are listed on the page. Once done, you will be required to set up your password and username or if you have your Kickstarter account, proceed to login.
  4. You can also log in using your Facebook account. When setting up your campaign through the use of Facebook Connect, it will help you save some steps. You’d also be better off making your own unique account and login on Kickstarter. You’ll have the chance to link your campaign to your Facebook, so you could link it there if you prefer to use Facebook in promoting your campaign. After that, proceed to the page of guidelines.
  5. Kickstarter will direct you to your own project dashboard that shows some steps to get your profile up and running. The guidelines section will provide you a quick access to Kickstarter guidelines anytime. The Preview option will let you see how your campaign would look to your targeted backers.


How to Start a Business With No Money

How to Start a Business With No Money

If you have told someone a decade ago that they can start a business with no money, you will probably be a laughingstock and might even be called crazy. But today, the advent of technology made it possible for new businesses to begin their operations with limited or no cash at all.

Here are some ways you can try to jumpstart your business even without any money at all:

Establish a Business Based on Your Existing Skills

Is there something you can do that others are willing to pay for? Can you speak Spanish, program computer, decorate and paint, or make clothes? Do you have a hobby that you can turn into a profitable business? If you think you have a skill that others don’t have or they need to invest money and time to learn it themselves, it will install give you an edge.

Use the Available Resources around You

You can work from your home or at the local library or café where there is a free WiFi. If you have a car, you can also offer a delivery service around your neighborhood. Do you have a well-equipped kitchen? You can provide events catering or make cakes.

Offer Your Buyers with What They Need Instead of What They Want

It must also be something they will understand right away and they will feel comfortable in purchasing with no need to think or consult someone else first. Umbrellas priced at a few bucks are much better compared to hot tubs that can cost them several thousand dollars.

Harness the Power of Free Technology for Business Promotion

You can create your own website for free with the use of online website builders. After that, engage in social networking which is an easy, free, and amazing way to promote your business with no need to spend even a single penny. Create your own page in Facebook, join LinkedIn, post photos of your products on Instagram, and sign up to Twitter.

Encourage Customers to Pay Upfront

You can also stick with half payment upfront and the rest to be paid later on to ensure that your costs are covered all the time. Late payments are among the biggest culprits behind business failure, which is why it is best to have a plan on how to get cash faster right from the start.

Hold on to Your Job if You Have One

Probably the best answer on how to start your business with no money is to just use your spare time for the business. Once it becomes successful, that is the only time to give up your regular job. This way, if your venture fails, you will not be jobless, and if the business does work out, it will be less risky for you to transition into becoming your own boss.

Gone are the days when a starting a business requires lots of upfront capital. Thanks to the modern day changes, you can  be a business owner even if your pockets might be cashless.







How to Purchase Your First Investment Property

How to Purchase Your First Investment Property

If you are planning to buy your first investment property, you might want to know some factors first for you to make the right and best choice.

Keep these following tips in mind when purchasing your first investment property.

  • Get All Your Finances in Order

As the starting point, you should take a look at your debts and pay off as much of this as you could before you begin investing. Settle outstanding student loans, clothing accounts, and so on. After that, reevaluate your position in terms of your finances. Property is not a short term commitment and therefore, it’s advisable to look at short term future debts that would be popping up the next year. For example, it might be wise to delay buying if you’re planning to send your kid to university.

  • Research Market

As with some things, investors have to be educated thoroughly about the relative market before they start investing. Take note that just because the property markets are doing good in some places, it does not mean it’s a given that this applies everything in the country. Remember that unlike investing in stock market that might only set you back some rands per share, investing in real estate will always involve serious capital.

  • Know the Interest Rates

The interest rates remain fairly low. But, it should be remembered that the banks decide how much the interests they’re charging.

  • Be Cautious of Fixer-Upper

Many experts warn about purchasing a fixer upper as your very first investment property. It might be tempting to go out and purchase the cheapest available property, yet such tend to be homes that need lots of work and a good deal of cash to get shipshape. Generally, renovations cost big money unless you’re skilled to carry out the work on shoestring on your own or have a family member or close friend you could call upon, you will probably spend a lot on the improvements. If the repair isn’t that bad, finding a good buy does not mean that the property is not a good consideration. Again, you should do your homework and invest in the property that will make you money.

  • Keep Everything Realistic

Take note how tough things were once you first purchased your home. It is frequently the same once you purchase your first investment property. Never expect to make money from the very beginning. Instead, concentrate on searching for the best property and get a reliable and solid tenant in place. The cash will come and once it does, it might be the time to searching for another investment property.

  • Search for a Property in the Best Location

Location is everything and this is true, whether you are looking for a residential property or rental properties. In a city, search for some properties that are close to the schools, restaurants, and shopping centers. In suburbs, try and look for something that is close to the shops and schools. Everybody wants places that are accessible to everything.


How to Get Your Business Funded

How to Get Your Business Funded



It is never easy to start your own business but it can be very manageable when you make the right decisions from the beginning of the process. Your business plan has all been laid out but you still don’t have the necessary funding to kickstart you plan. As much as possible, you want to avoid applying for loans from banks or other loaning entities since interest rates and collaterals can be very risky for the business venture. What can you do then to get the startup capital you need?

Whether you believe it or not, there are many creative ways to source funds for your new business and these include the following:

Venture Capital

Venture capital is a common form of business funding in which the company seeks funds from venture capital firms in exchange for their stake in the business. The venture capital firm will then be interested in the business and have a say in running the business with expected rewards and results.

Equity Raise

The equity raise it the traditional method of funding a business. It needs compliance with the federal securities laws as well as other formalities. This gives several shareholders a stake in the business and allows them to vote on the corporate matters.


Yet another common funding method for a business is through taking on the so-called co-venturers. This means that there will be partners who will be involved in the daily business operations. Aside from spreading the business workload, it also offers extra sources of financing.

Angel Investor

Angel investors are those who offer quick business funding for a small business, at the start of the business, or during the expansion of a business. In general, these investors know the business owner and they invest for personal reasons instead of business ones. A pure angel investor doesn’t really plan to be involved in daily operations although they might have a stake in the business.

Family and Friends

Traditionally, a lot of people receive funding for their business through raising money from family and friends. This form of business funding is not exempt from state and federal securities laws yet it can take on the form of loans as well as other kinds of contributions.

Personal Money

The use of your personal savings is no doubt among the most traditional ways to get a quick business funding. Depending on the specific type of business you are planning to venture, you might not really need a lot of cash to startup. Those who have substantial personal wealth can also choose to invest all or some of it to fund the business. Most businesses fund themselves with the help of a disciplined approach.

Non-equity Crowdfunding

This is also called alternative business funding since its existence is the result of the advent of the internet. It is a form of business funding done online where no equity stake is given to those who will fund your business. Businesses funding with this method usually trade items or other kinds of gifts in exchange for various business funding levels.


How To Be A Millionaire

How To Be A Millionaire


If you think it’s impossible for you to be a millionaire, you could be surprised at the different ways for you to get there. However, before getting too excited, if you think being a millionaire means fancy cars, upscale lifestyle, and lavish house, better think again. If you had millions and spent it that way, you would blow through it quickly.

A million can be more achievable than you think and these are the ways to be a millionaire:

  • Develop Your Expertise or Career

A lot of millionaires are millionaires for the reason that they have worked hard for it and found ways to earn lots of money. They earned professional designations, degrees, and certifications to boost their knowledge and they’re willing to spend more time doing low paid apprenticeships and internships to learn their crafts. As they take the path to becoming experts, they started earning more. Several of them spent more and those types do not usually become millionaires. The ones who become richer make a commitment in saving more as they earn. People who are in this category could IT experts, corporate executives, administrators, computer programmers, architects, accountants, attorneys, and so on. Think of the best career path that will help you get on the millionaire track.

  • Make Intellectual Property

It basically includes things such as trademarks, art, scripts, songs, patents, books, and many more. Numerous professors use their expertise in writing books and consulting in their field. Some professionals use their expertise to make workshops, seminars, and training programs where they could sell their books and some materials. If you have some ideas or you’re good at what you do, think of the ways you could make subscriptions, franchises or licenses to expand what you’re doing.

  • Have Your Own Business

Businesses have its own value whether you’re involved or not. If you’re in a service business, making a duplicate business model can be a bit challenging. Usually, the business is actually your expertise and you’re in the business. You need to determine to train some to do what you want so you could work on your business instead in your business.

  • Always Save Diligently and Do Not Forget to Invest for Your Growth

Anybody can be a millionaire once they spend less than they’re making, investing appropriately, and saving diligently. How much you have to save actually depends on how much time you basically have as well as what rate of returns you’ll earn. You may check out some online millionaire calculators that will help you calculate your own numbers. A big mistake people make that keeps all of them from reaching the status of being a millionaire is they upsize the lifestyle once their income increases. Once your income increased, the first thing you must boost is basically the amount you are contributing to your savings.

Learning how to be a millionaire is easy, but applying all those tips can be challenging. However, if you are dedicated and committed to what you’re doing, it’s not impossible to be one of the millionaires out there.