How to Maximize Gas Mileage

How to Maximize Gas Mileage

With the continuous increase of gas prices, learning how to maximize gas mileage has become a crucial necessity. Through stretching a task of gas a bit further, you will be able to lower the number of times you fill up your vehicle per month. This then lets you save your budget, especially if you have a non-efficient car.

However, no matter what type of vehicle you drive, having some extra money each month is always a good thing. Cutting back on your gas expenses is also the perfect way to fatten up your bank account.

Below are some basic tips on how to maximize gas mileage for you to save a few bucks every chance you get:

Inflate Your Tires Properly

You can have your tires inflated if they look low. However, even if they are just a bit low and almost unnoticeable to the eye, inflating them can lower your mileage. Under-inflated tires only make your engine use up more gas for moving the car.

See to it that your tires have been inflated according to the pressure stated in the owner’s manual to achieve the perfect balance between traction and gas mileage. It translates to more savings since being under-inflated by 10 PSI for each tire easily costs you 5 MPG or even more.

Cut Down on Excess Weight

You will be surprised to know the weight of all the junk you’ve got stored and discarded in the trunk of your car. If your vehicle got front-wheel drive, having additional weight on the rear axle only means that the front wheels don’t get a good grip as expected of them. This can reduce your mileage. Any extra weight also means that your car’s engine need to work a bit harder just to move it, and again, this can reduce gas mileage. If there are lots of weights in your car, it is best to lighten it up for you to get an additional one to two miles more per gallon.

Stick with the Suggested Motor Oil

Never assume that you can just use any kind of motor oil for your vehicle. Remember that its engine has been specifically designed to work at its best with a particular type of motor oil. If the oil you are using is heavier than recommended, it will only create excessive friction, causing your engine to burn more fuel and work much harder. Check the owner’s manual to know the recommended motor oil for your car and stick to it.

Replace Spark Plugs and Air Filter

Replacing the spark plugs and air filter during routine checkup will not just make your car last much longer as this helps your engine efficiently burn gas. For majority of cars, it is simple task that will just cost you less than $50 if you prefer to go for the DIY route.

Learning how to maximize gas mileage can go a long way in helping you enjoy great savings. This also helps your car run better while increasing its overall life span.