How To Negotiate A Salary Raise At Your Job

How To Negotiate A Salary Raise At Your Job

Asking your employer for a salary raise can be a bit nerve-wracking. But, what you should keep in mind that there is really nothing wrong with asking for a raise that reflects your hard work. However, there are some best practices and approaches that will always give you better results than others. Even if your manager has data on the hard work you have been doing, you still have to present your case why you are deserving of a salary raise and you have to be ready to negotiate.

Prepare Yourself Before You Negotiate a Salary Raise

You must not ask for a raise on your salary without preparing for the negotiation. Regardless of how great your relationship with your employer, it expects you to prove that you deserve the salary you are asking and you will not favorably respond if it’s like you didn’t prepare.

Before opening the subject to your employer, you must know your worth and build your case. Look back to the periods of time and projects where you went beyond what was provided and expected for your company. Always use particular performance data if possible.

What Should You Say to Get a Salary Raise?

After you prepare your evidence for why a salary raise is what you deserve and choosing the best time to talk to your employer, it is crucial to think of what you will say during your conversation. You do not really need a strict script, but you should be specific and clear in your delivery and it will help you have some phrases up your sleeve to guide the conversation.

  • Be Specific

Consider mentioning your preferred salary and outline how you came to this kind of conclusion. Bring your salary estimate. You must be clear when you like your new salary  to be effective and other details that are pertinent to your preferred compensation.

  • Be Clear

A simple way to start a raise discussion is saying something like you are looking forward to growing and working with the company.

Ways to Negotiate a Salary Raise at Your Job

Though your employer understands the value you are adding to the company, it does not mean they will offer you a raise. You should prove your case like the way you prove your case to have a high starting salary. Below are some of the ways to negotiate a raise effectively:

  • Be Persuasive and Firm When Stating Your Case

Persuasiveness and confidence are important to negotiate a raise.

  • Choose Your Moment

You should pick the right time to negotiate for a salary raise if you are serious to get it. A good time to bring up the subject of a raise is when you know your employer is impressed with your performance or she/he is in a good mood.

  • Leverage Internal Moves

Having a new role provides a good negotiation opportunity. If you’re considering a new job or promotion with your employer, don’t consider the argument that the hands of management are tied. Try to use market data when laying out what it’d cost the company to hire off the street. You’ll likely find resistance. However, you should be firm.