How to Stop Procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating

Do you always find yourself wondering where you day went at the end of every day? If this sounds just like you, you are like millions of people on this planet. Boy, you are a procrastinator!

Procrastination is the number one reason why you remain to be in the exact same place you were last year. Procrastination is also why you constantly find yourself lingering in your past. Procrastination is the one that steals your dreams!

But, worry not because it doesn’t mean that you can just stick with your habit of procrastinating. Below are a few tips on how to stop procrastination so you can start chasing and achieving your goals in no time!

Focus, Focus, and Focus

Focus on a single task one at a time. Avoid thinking or worrying about the next task if you haven’t completed the current task yet. Also, don’t think about your previous task the moment you moved on to your next one. If the specific task you work on at the moment is a part of a bigger project, try to define a certain goal for that specific period of time.

Start with the Hardest Task

The task you find the hardest to do should be the first task you work on. Why? This is because doing this will give you that much needed gusto and shot of enthusiasms once you have completed it. That feeling of success that you generate from completing the hardest task will boost your productivity to dramatic levels.

Clear Your Mind by Clearing Your Desktop

Keeping your desktop clear and clean will let you focus one task at a time. You surely heard of the saying that a clean environment means a clean mind. So, ditch those mountains of paper and make sure that your desk and mind stay free from clutter.

Take Short Breaks Every Now and Then and Stay Hydrated

There are times when you feel as if your focus is going elsewhere. If this happens, drinking water might all that you need. Scientists have proven without a doubt that regular intake of fluid is important for creativity so see to it that you take regular breaks of 5 to 10 minutes to get a drink away from your desktop. You can also do a few exercises such as a short walk.

Develop a Reward System

This sounds great but many of you probably fail to do this consistently enough. This is a great incentive for you to push forward with a certain project. Come up with a reward system you can give yourself and you will be surprised how motivated you will feel in putting one foot before the other even when things get tough.

Be Enthusiastic

Finally, whatever you might be doing, whether taking out the trash or counting pennies, always do this with enthusiasm. Give it your best shot and bring your positive energy to the specific task at hand. Talk to yourself positively and convince yourself that the task you are doing is crucial for a bigger vision.