Real Estate or Stocks: Which is Better?

Real Estate or Stocks: Which is Better?

When wondering which is better between real estate and stocks, there is really no universal answer for this since lots of this comes down to your preferences, personality, and style. Moreover, it comes down to the individual investment’s specifics.

Before you choose any from stocks or real estate, make sure to know their primary differences.

What is Real Estate?

If you invest in real estate, you’re actually purchasing physical property or land. Several real estate costs you money each money you hold it. Think of the vacant parcel of the land that you want to sell to the developer someday, yet need to come up with the money for maintenance and taxes. Other real estate is cash generating. Think of the strip mall, rental houses or apartment building where tenants send you checks monthly, you pay for the expenses and keep the differences as profits.

Reasons Why Real Estate is Better

  • You’re more in control. Each physical investment on real estate you make will put you in charge as the CEO. With this position, you can cut costs, make improvements, market accordingly, find better tenants, and raise rents. If you invest in a private or public company, you’re a minority investor who puts faith in management. There are times that managers commit fraud through unwise acquisitions. No one cares more about your investments than you.
  • Real estate is a tangible asset. It’s something that you can use, feel, and see. Life is all about living and real estate may give you high quality of life. Stocks are not event pieces of papers anymore, yet ticker numbers and symbols. If the world comes to an end, you may seek shelter in your properties.

What is Stocks?

Once you purchase shares of stocks, you’re purchasing a piece of the company. Whether that organization sells furniture, makes ice cream cones, creates video games, manufactures motorcycles or offers tax services, you’re entitled to cut the profit for each share you own.

Reasons Why Stocks is Better

  • Stocks can offer you a much higher rate of return. Stocks have returned about 7 to 9 percent yearly in comparison to 2-4 percent for real estate for the past 6 decades. You may go on margin to increase your returns, yet it isn’t recommended given your account on brokerage would force you in liquidating holdings to come up with money if things might go the other way. The bank cannot force you to have cash or move out as long as you’re paying mortgage.
  • Real estate might take constant managing because of maintenance, tenant rotation, and conflicts with neighbors. Stocks may be left alone as well as pay out the dividends to the investors. With no maintenance, you can concentrate your attention on elsewhere like spending time with your business, family or traveling across the globe. You may also pay mutual fund manager 0.5 percent yearly to pick the stocks for you or hire financial expert at one percent yearly.